Team wins fifth Red Dot Product Design Award

30 May 2017 4min read
Team Consulting logo: Award-winning medical device consultancy specializing in medical technology design and development. 39 years of experience.

Team Consulting

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Five Red Dot awards… we’re on a roll

This month Team Consulting won its fifth Red Dot Product Design award. We’re proud of this award, not only because of the acknowledgment from leaders in the field, but because this Red Dot was for a highly innovative, complex medical device – a surgical haemostat spray. Bringing a surgical haemostat delivery device to market is difficult. It required input from every discipline within Team, and the immense technological achievements were also matched by the incredible speed with which we could bring it to market. This Red Dot award is in recognition of a high-performing team consisting of designers, engineers, human factors specialists, project management and a close working relationship with our clients, who provided the scientific backbone.



Innovation at every stage of development

Bringing this device to life included the following stages: the seed of the idea from our client, feasibility and initial concept designs, industrial design, proof of principle testing, user-experience design and human factors studies. This innovative haemostat surgical spray device was taken through to a rigorous verification and industrialisation process culminating with FDA and EMA approval. This surgical equipment was successfully manufactured with an award-winning, elegant design which importantly facilitated correct use. We also ensured it was quick to set up and cost effective – important factors for a disposable medical product.


A Team celebration

All of us at Team were delighted with the award. Paul Greenhalgh, Director of Design at Team, comments “This is a project we’re very proud of. It’s nice to see the achievements of such a broad team of people recognised. This product epitomises everything we strive for in the design department – simple, elegant . . . a highly intuitive solution.”

This product epitomises everything we strive for in the design department – simple, elegant . . . a highly intuitive solution. Paul Greenhalgh, Director of Design

Senior Engineering Consultant Oliver Harvey says “Developing a product, literally from the drawing board, through to commercial production is a fantastic achievement for any engineer. The fact that the device will immediately improve surgical capabilities and patient outcomes makes me exceptionally proud of this achievement.” Alexandra Gilbert, Managing Consultant, comments “Helping a start-up company realise their product vision so effectively is particularly rewarding. Drawing on the wealth of skills and experience within Team throughout the development paved the way to production of an exceptional product.” “Working intensely with our client over the complete development cycle resulted in a tightly knit team with trust at its core. I think we are all equally proud of the outcome. It was very satisfying drawing on the full range of Team’s skills and experience.”

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