
What does cybersecurity mean for medical devices? It means controlling who has access to information and when. By working with you to understand your medical device requirements, we ensure that functionality and security can be achieved in unison.

Secure is safe

Your device’s safety and security is important to us. Medical devices are becoming increasingly complex. While new technologies can be used to improve functionality, usability, and allow manufacturers to perform remote surveillance, they can also expose your medical devices to cyber threats.

Whether you are starting your next project or want to review your security model, our software consultants can help you make your medical devices secure.

Understanding cyber-threats to your medical device

To protect your devices, we examine how attackers strike. Being focused solely on medical devices, our software team has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to cybersecurity. We work with you to understand the use of your device, any interfaces that may be exposed, and how it will be accessed.

By identifying security risks early in the medical software development process, common vulnerabilities are accounted for. Then, during development, advanced toolsets and processes are used to assess your device’s security at every stage. The robustness of your system is continuously tested to guarantee complete security.

Cybersecurity Team

Our capabilities

Whether you are starting your next project or want to review your system’s security, our software consultants can help you make your devices more secure.

  • Cybersecurity risk management in accordance with AAMI TIR57
  • Cybersecurity requirements in accordance with UL2900 and NIST requirements
  • Secure architecture design
  • Wireless security
  • Remote software upgrades

Wonder how we could help?

Let’s start working together on your next challenge.