Field programmable gate arrays

When embedded software isn’t fast enough for your application or if you need to update unique integrated circuits at a later stage, then a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) might be required. Field programmable gate arrays are circuits that can be reconfigured ‘in the field’, after a device is manufactured. Turning to FPGAs can offer a highly customisable solution to your digital electronic devices.

We can help you take advantage of this technology

Our team has experience working with FPGAs and can help you build complex circuits for your device which can be updated and refined remotely ‘in the field’ as the programme develops and requirements are updated. By making use of field programmable gate arrays, we can optimise circuit and logic design to ensure faster data throughout, facilitate the use of complex digital interfaces, or perform rapid digital signal processing.


Our capabilities

Our electronics engineers have a wealth of experience in both hardware and field programmable gate array applications, and can help you take advantage of this highly customisable technology.

We understand the technology trade-offs and work with you to achieve the best system for your requirements.

  • Experience with a wide range of vendors (e.g. Xilinx, Altera)
  • Development in Verilog and VHDL
  • Digital circuit simulation and refinement
  • Integration with software devices
Field programmable gate arrays

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