Our engineering design consultants help solve complex, interdisciplinary problems through creativity and innovation. Using technical acumen and extensive experience, we turn early ideas in the early stages of your project, into tangible concepts. Leveraging world-class expertise in analysis and testing, our 100% medically focused team de-risk your medical device in order to fast-track your development.
Quickly realising a medical device concept
Through engineering design, your early ideas are turned into feasible embodiments, building a concept, its features, components, mechanisms and sub-assemblies. It is a progressive, iterative and collaborative process which ensures that your design solution is viable and robust. We give you confidence early on in the project that your product will meet performance requirements.
When exploring ideas and developing solutions for our clients, it is necessary to move quickly. In the concept and proof-of-principle phases, we help you identify challenges early on and set a clear design direction to avoid both costly failures and fundamental changes later in development.
rapidly evaluate the best possible solution using core engineering principles and first order calculations
innovate where it is needed
provide high value, low-cost empirical feedback to progress your solution before detailed prototyping
identify the best production route based on extensive knowledge early in your development
Identifying scalable production methods early on
Your device is designed with manufacture and assembly in mind from the outset to select concepts effectively. Knowing your target market and sales volumes allows us to identify scalable production methods to develop components and design your system.
Before any formal design for manufacture or design for assembly (DFM/DFA) analysis takes place, your device’s components are carefully considered ahead of manufacture. We review all aspects from manufacturing processes, materials and grades to how your medical device will be handled for assembly, inspection and test.
Being focused solely on the medical device industry means our consultants are very experienced and knowledgeable in the specific aspects of material selection such as bio-compatibility, drug contact, stability and sterilisation requirements.
Divergent thinking to deliver the best medical device solutions
Creative problem-solving begins with divergent thinking, exploring different directions from an initial problem statement. This process requires close collaboration within the team and across disciplines. It is important to maintain a mindset that is open to all inputs and keen to adapt design directions to best meet your requirements and deliver optimised concept solutions.
Developing safe, effective and inspirational medical devices
A rigorously regulated environment does not mean you cannot deliver creative and innovative medical solutions. At Team, our engineering design consultants are passionate about solving complex problems with simple, elegant solutions. Developing the best solutions for our clients and users involves asking the right questions. What already exists that can be utilised? What needs to be different? What new processes and technologies are available to us? It’s necessary to constantly look at problems from a different perspective and question the status quo to deliver the best product.