Electronic signing of documents
To improve the efficiency of approving documents we use electronic signatures
At Team Consulting, we use DocuSign to sign project documents. Steps on creating an account and signature as well as signing or rejecting documents are detailed below.
Creating an account
If you are invited to sign a document via DocuSign for the first time, you will receive an account activation email. Simply click on ‘Activate’ within the email and follow the steps to create your free DocuSign account. If you already use DocuSign, you can use your existing account.
Creating your signature
You will also need to create and adopt a signature. Your signature can be located on the main screen under the heading ‘My DocuSign ID’. This is a visual representation and it is the DocuSign reference that carries the true authentic signature meaning. You can choose, draw or upload your signature.
Completing a signing request
Whenever you are sent a document to sign, you will receive a signing request. Simply click ‘Review Document’ and DocuSign will guide you through the steps to sign it. By signing you acknowledge your electronic signature is equivalent to your handwritten signature.
Declining a signing request
If you choose to decline a request, please provide clear reasons for declining or email the contact that sent you the request. You can decline to sign if there’s an issue with the document or if you believe you are the wrong person to be signing.
- Please do not send or forward any emails you receive from DocuSign. If someone else should be signing please let the contact in the email know.
- If there is an issue with a document that you have been asked to sign, please let the contact in the email know or provide a clear decline to sign message.
- Please do not share your account details, they are for your use only.
If you have any difficulties with any of the instructions, please contact us:
- Email: quality@team-consulting.com
- Tel: +44 1799 532700