Team receives Silver EcoVadis Medal for sustainability

15 Mar 2023 2min read

Team Discussion

Multiple authors

Team has been awarded a Silver EcoVadis Medal for sustainability, placing us in the top 7% of sustainably rated companies in the scientific industry. The award recognizes companies that have demonstrated outstanding sustainability performance, reflecting Team’s commitment to improving our environmental and social impact.

We place immense value on being a sustainable business. Sustainability is a key concern in the medical device industry, and we believe it should be actively promoted both in device development and in our business practices. This award is a great recognition of our continued mission to improve our sustainability performance and report on our plans in a transparent way.

Sarah Mardle, Business Operations Director, Team

What is EcoVadis?

EcoVadis is an internationally recognized sustainability assessment platform that evaluates companies across a range of criteria, including environmental, social and ethical practices. A Silver Medal is awarded to companies that score in the top 25% of all companies evaluated by EcoVadis.


Team’s sustainability mission

Team has implemented numerous initiatives to reduce and offset its carbon footprint, minimize waste and promote ethical and responsible business practices, including signing up for the UN Global Compact and aligning its corporate sustainability plans with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. As a company, we will continue to prioritize sustainability in our operations and work towards achieving even higher standards of practice.

Sustainable medical device development

Alongside our own practices, we are committed to supporting our clients in achieving their sustainability goals. Our project teams actively work to optimize your design and minimize the environmental impact of your development, providing strategic advice and guidance on sustainable decision making. Visit our sustainable design and development page to find out more.

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