What are the environmental and process benefits of using Vapourised Hydrogen Peroxide to sterilise medical devices?
Vaporous Hydrogen Peroxide has various benefits compared with ETO:
- It is not cancer causing
- It degrades to water and oxygen, so does not require lengthy chamber degassing
- It has lower carbon emissions.
Like ETO, VHP is an effective sterilisation agent and penetrates complex surfaces and device materials. Furthermore, VHP is compatible with a broad range of plastics, metals, ceramics and coatings commonly used in devices themselves (though not with card and paper packaging – as shown in the figure in the section above).
Industrial VHP chambers are also smaller scale compared to those for ETO. While this can pose limits in terms of scalability, it does bring some advantages. The smaller VHP chambers are more easily installed on-site and or even in-line, reducing reliance on off-site sterilisation facilities and associated transportation carbon costs.
There are also substantially reduced carbon emissions associated with Vapourised Hydrogen Peroxide sterilisation compared to ETO. This is due to numerous energy savings, such as VHP sterilisation processes requiring lower temperatures than ETO. Furthermore, ETO requires the chamber to be ventilated with warm air for several hours following sterilisation to ensure no traces remain on the devices, which is not required for VHP.
VHP also avoids some additional carbon costs incurred by ETO processes, namely those associated with technologies directed at ensuring legal limits for environmental ETO are not exceeded. For example, an in-line ETO abator catalyses ETO, breaking it down to form water and carbon dioxide, but requiring additional energy to do so.