Team Consulting leads children to clean water
Tuesday October 19 saw product developers from a leading technology firm working on an engineering challenge with 100 children from Melbourn Primary School.
Tuesday October 19 saw product developers from a leading technology firm working on an engineering challenge with 100 children from Melbourn Primary School.
Year 5 and 6 children were set the challenge of cleaning a litre of ‘dirty’ water and were coached and guided through the development stages that face engineers.
While working in teams, they were awarded points for their approach to team working, design, testing and for the quality of the clean water that produced. Winners in each skill area were rewarded with a certificate. The overall winning team was TUWC (The Ultimate Water Cleaner).
The Science Week day was led by staff from Team Consulting, a design and development firm that focuses on solving the technology challenges that face the medical industry.
“From a ‘result’ perspective, it was a very close race. Many teams achieved excellent cleanliness of water at high flow rates”, said Stuart Kay, Head of the Electro-Mechanical Engineering group at Team.
“We were excited to be able to share our skills in problem solving with young people, not just to inspire them to become engineers and scientists but to give them the skills to think through the challenges they’ll face in their own lives.”
Gary Casey, acting headteacher at Melbourn Primary said: ”We were delighted to have worked with Team Consulting on this exciting science week project. It gave our students the opportunity to work on a real-world engineering challenge and learn some valuable approaches to thinking and problem solving.”
Melbourn Primary is a co-educational community school catering for 290 children of age 5-11.
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