Read our latest thoughts about medical device design in Insight #13

05 Jan 2018 3min read
Team Consulting logo: Award-winning medical device consultancy specializing in medical technology design and development. 39 years of experience.

Team Consulting

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While the number 13 may be unlucky for some, we can’t wait to share our latest thoughts on the world of medical devices and healthcare.

We’re feeling pretty lucky that this issue features many great articles from both new and returning contributors – fingers crossed you agree! → Request your free copy here


Our Head of MedTech, Ben, looks at the blood-brain barrier and why it can be so challenging to get medicines to the brain, while Stella and Laureline discuss the role excipients play in making a drug successful. Alex discusses design drivers and their role in producing great product design, and first time contributor Charles examines how product design can be informed with analytical data. We also have a feature from guest author and Director of Complete Fabrications Modelmakers, Sebastian Stanley, giving his expert perspective on the prototyping industry and the role of 3D printing. Brennan and Nick shine a light on industrialisation of medical products and why this can be the trickiest step in product development: after all, it’s easy to turn money into technology, but not so easy to turn technology into money.


Amy looks at medical device failure from an engineering perspective, and how such failures can in fact be friends. Jess, Matt and Chris explore bad luck, looking at superstition and asking if bad luck is in fact created through oversight. We hope you enjoy reading it. Not got a copy? → Request your free copy here

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