Pharmapack 2015 sneak peek

29 Jan 2015 3min read

Team Consulting

Company update

This will be our 4th year exhibiting at Pharmapack. Over the past few years it has been great to meet so many people to share our ideas about drug packaging and drug delivery systems with.

Last year we took our ‘poka-yoke’ packaging idea to the event which received a great reception. (If you’d like to learn more about the concept behind ‘poka-yoke’, here’s last year’s announcement.) So for this year’s event, we just wanted to share a sneak peek of our exhibition stand. Thanks to help from our industrial designers, we’ll be exhibiting at Pharmapack with a bespoke counter and matching graphics, and we will be discussing the challenges behind medical device development. We know that every project has its own unique set of requirements, challenges and constraints – and for us, our exhibition stand was the perfect way to take a moment and highlight this. Our core purpose as a consultancy is to help our clients along the journey. If you’re attending Pharmapack this year, we’d love to talk. We’re at Stand #540.

Take a look at a build up of our exhibition stand:


Above: The exhibition stand in the workshop | Below: Our bespoke glossy table top

pharmapack-2015-stand-2 We’re really pleased with how it looks, and we hope to meet you at Stand #540 in February. (Oh! In case you’re wondering why we chose black – the matt and gloss black matches our latest issue of Insight magazine. In case you haven’t yet seen it, sign-up here to receive your free copy.)

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