Key challenges of bringing new drug delivery devices to market

09 Jan 2019 2min read
Team Consulting logo: Award-winning medical device consultancy specializing in medical technology design and development. 39 years of experience.

Team Consulting

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Team’s Director of Engineering, Chris Hurlstone, wrote an article for International Pharmaceutical Industry, highlighting the challenges of taking new drug delivery devices to market.

The specific demands of the pharmaceutical and medical device sectors present challenges that go far beyond those experienced in the development of other products. And these challenges are not always under the full control of the development team. Navigating the regulatory landscape, co-ordinating parallel development paths (drug product and device), confirming system performance and overcoming barriers to entry are just some examples. In his article, Chris explores a number of common challenges and considers how, with the appropriate systems, tools, approaches and people, they can be overcome. Text-image

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